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Teachers training program 22th June 2018

Published on July 15, 2018 under Uncategorized


Teachers Training Workshop – In project Climate Ambassadors Mumbai-Stockholm, Srushtidnyan also focus on the capacity building of teachers. Other than indoor sessions Srushtidnyan is keen to give firsthand experience of environment around us. To study the plants biodiversity in Mumbai, field visit was organized at VeermataJijabaiBhosaleUdyan, Byculla(155 years old botanical garden) on . Ms.GauriGurav from Oiko Essence conducted nature trail for teachers. Many of the teachers visited this park as a zoo in their childhood. It was new discovery for them to understand the importance of these 50 acres of lush green patch in the heart of the city. Rare and endangered species of plants all over the world are planted in this botanical garden.  It contributed to develop a sense of responsibility for the biodiversity conservation among teachers.